is an accredited Non-Profit 501c(3) organization committed to find a cause and cure for Essential Tremor. Diann Shaddox Foundation
Have fun with The Jim Bowers Group DJ’s playing Beach Music on the Folly Beach Pier.
Locklear’s Beach City Grill,
Folly Beach Parks & Recreation, Diann Shaddox Foundation, & Diann Shaddox/author Presents Folly Beach Wine & Sign Have fun in the sun on the stunning Folly Beach Pier, Folly Beach, South Carolina. Sip a glass of wine, talk, meet some wonderful authors and artists, listen to live music and enjoy delicious food & wine. Bask in the beautiful scenery of sandy beaches, cool ocean breezes, and views of the great Atlantic Ocean
to Folly Beach Pier
233 East Artic Avenue Folly Beach, South Carolina 29439 Go to Gallery for more pictures of Folly Beach Wine & Sign
To sign up for
Folly Beach Wine & Sign Download the Application snail mail or email it to: Diann Shaddox Foundation 241 Boxelder Drive Aiken, SC 29803 [email protected] Diann Shaddox Foundation
Diann Shaddox Foundation is an accredited Non-Profit 501c(3) organization committed to find a cause and cure for Essential Tremor, the largest movement disorder. DSF is dedicated to educate and increase awareness to the world about people living every day with Essential Tremor and to donate research grants to doctors to find a cure.
The What is Essential Tremor? Essential Tremor is a progressive neurological condition that causes a rhythmic trembling of the hands, head, voice, legs, or body. About 10 million Americans have Essential Tremor including children. That's about 5% of all people in the United States. For comparison sake, 7.8% of the population have some type of diabetes. Most people though haven’t heard about Essential Tremor and DSF is adamant to bring attention to the world. Please go to and learn more. To support DS Foundation donate every penny counts and it will bring us closer to finding a cause and cure. DSF’s funds will be used for awareness and will be distributed for research to help find the cause and a cure for Essential Tremor. |
Authors and Artist joining Folly Beach Wine & Sign
![]() Diann Shaddox is Founder of the Diann Shaddox Foundation for ET. She is a Native American Indian and a member of the Wyandotte Nation of Oklahoma and she has Essential Tremors. She’s the author of A Faded Cottage, Whispering Fog., Miranda READ MORE...
![]() Author Kim Poovey
has traveled the southeast for more than 18 years regaling audiences with tales of days gone by. Donned in period attire she portrays such famous characters as Jane Austen and Scarlett O' Hara, as well as the main character of her own novel, Truer Words. READ MORE... |
![]() Eden Grey Art
![]() Andrew Rickis Born in Hartford, Connecticut, Andrew F. Rickis was a West Granby, Connecticut resident for 18 years. After living in the Florida Keys for 22 years and several years on the Treasure Coast in Florida, the author and his wife Lucille currently reside in the upstate of South Carolina. READ mORE
![]() Debby Grahl is the author of contemporary and paranormal romance. Her first release, The Silver Crescent, won the Paranormal Romance Guild’s Reviewers’ Choice award for 2014. Her latest book,Rue Toulouse, a contemporary romance set in New Orleans, won the Connecticut Romance Writers’ Writestuff contest and has received numerous 5 star reviews. READ MORE
![]() Jack Gannon and Cyndi Williams-Barnier, a.k.a. "J&C Wordsmiths", are authors based in “Beautiful Beaufort By The Sea, Twenty-Three Miles From Yemassee”! Or, just a few islands south of the great folks in Folly Beach, for all y'all not familiar with this wonderful Lowcountry...READ MORE...
![]() Pamela Bauer Mueller was raised in Oregon. She has worked as a flight attendant, commercial model and actress, English and Spanish teacher and a U.S. Customs Inspector. She now lives on Jekyll Island Georgia with her husband Michael and their cats Sukey Spice and Morgan Maurice. READ MORE
![]() .David Bruce Grim Before Retirement 1992-2004 ? Deputy Director, Office of Equal Opportunity Programs, US Agency for International Development. Managed the Agency?s EEO complaint process, and conducted investigations, mediations and training in Washington and overseas, READ MORE
![]() Cera Daniels writes paranormal, science fiction, and steampunk romance. Sometimes behind the same cover. Her heroes are broken, her worlds are crumbling, but the love her characters find amidst the chaos stands on an unshakable foundation. Cera lives in South Carolina with her own unstoppable team: a husband who cooks, a daughter who loves superheroes, and two cats who don't believe they're cats at all. Visit her website at READ MORE
![]() Lt. Rita Y. Shuler True Crime Author
As a retired Special Agent / Forensic Photographer with the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED), I share inside details, my personal perspectives and forensic procedures of some of the most chilling murders that gripped the State of South Carolina with shock and fear. READ MORE... |
![]() J. C. Fewell is the pen name of Joan C. Harris. Having graduated from Beaufort High School and Clemson University, she returned to the Low Country in 2001. She spent many years as a Special Education teacher in Prince George’s County, Maryland. She taught fictional writing/short story/novel at the Prince George’s County Community College in Largo, Maryland. READ MORE
Hundreds of people came out to Folly Beach this past Saturday, April 26th, to enjoy the Wine and Sign event held at the fishing pier by the Tides hotel. The afternoon was astonishingly beautiful with temperatures hovering around 70 degrees, soft clouds drifting across a light blue sky, and a slight breeze whispering in our ears. Our first stop was at Locklears to pick up some frosty beverages before meandering our way to meet the artists. Over twenty booths were set up for people to view and learn about the artists and/or their body of work. For convenience, Locklears also had a bar set up on the pier for people to refresh their beverages as they emptied their cups. First, we chatted with Diann Shaddox, who was the event organizer and director. She told us about the 20+ artists who participated in this year’s Wine and Sign. Some of the authors included Deanna Anderson who brought two books, 365 Tarot Activities, and her book of short stories,Of the Seven: Sinner or Saint. Author Virginia Lori Jennings introduced herself as a speculative fiction author who enjoys researching her new books. Stratton Lawrence, photographer and writer, proudly showed attendees his new book of over 200 stunning photos in Images of America – Folly Beach. Others involved were author Dee Phelps, author Denise W. Owen, poet Warren Slesinger, lawyer and author Sean Keefer, author Quitman Marshall, and many more. Also an author, Diann wrote A Faded Cottage, a book that focuses on a main character who suffers from essential tremors and the challenges that stem from it. Hosting a successful event such as the Wine and Sign contributes to the the Diann Shaddox Foundation, a group supporting individuals suffering from neurological conditions. The foundation seeks to inspire, inform, and increase awareness of these conditions to the public with the hope of finding an eventual cure. Approximately five percent of the population suffers from essential tremors. This is not insignificant to Diann, and she hopes to continue to educate is through her foundation, work and with more events such as the Wine and Sign on the pier. Look for more artistic talent to visit us again on Folly and support a great cause! |
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